Thursday, September 17, 2015

Visit to Colorado Sept 2015

About a month and a half ago my mom had a great plan. Every year the all my sisters, sister in laws and my mom try to get together to go to Time Out For Women. We have been many different places, Oregon, Colorado, South Carolina and Idaho. This year my mom wanted us all to come to Colorado again. So on the morning of one day she texted me and said she was looking at flights for me and that she wanted to make this special weekend possible. I told Bridger and he amazingly suggested we drove out for a longer time since he has some flexibility at the job he has now. I was ECSTATIC! I relayed the information to my mom which made her ecstatic as well and she continued her planning of the weekend. By the end of the day she had all the flights planned and had talked to my brothers, who also live in Colorado, who agreed to come up for the weekend as well :) she is an amazing women! So I got to see all my siblings this past weekend and it was a blast! We weren't supposed to leave until Wednesday of last week but decided to drive all night on Monday (so mister gage would sleep) and arrive in the morning. We didn't tell my parents because who doesn't love a surprise? So we left at 7,drove all night long, stopped at my brothers for breakfast who is about 2 hours away from my parents and continued on and arrived at my mom's work at about 10:30. We stuck Gage up by her desk and hid and SURPRISE! she was so thrilled. Then we went home and surprised my dad, who was home for the day. That day we tried napping when we could and honestly it was kind of a blur but driving all night so Gage was sleeping was totally worth it. When my parents were at work the next day I went through the closets and tried on homecoming and prom dresses from not only my high school days but also my sisters and my mom. So fun! Bridger got an awesome fashion show that was not only our decade but past decades as well, as you can see in the pictures :) On Thursday we also went mini golfing at a place I've gone to since I was little and no matter what anyone thinks it is the BEST mini golf place ever. Bridger will agree. All my sisters arrived on Friday and the fun family weekend began.  The weekend was a blast! TOFW is Friday night and Saturday. Bridger offered to watch gage Friday night which was great because on Saturday I had to sit in the back away from my group because our seats were in front of the camera and they don't like babies in front of the camera. Which I totally understand, and I was up with gage often so we just hung out in the back, (and possibly took some selfies to send daddy) where tons of women with babies were so it all worked out. This was the first time any of my siblings were able to meet gage so that was special. TOFW was awesome as always. We had a family barbecue on Saturday night and played games and spent some great time just hanging out and laughing together. Often I really wish I lived closer to my siblings and my parents. I guess it makes the times when we do all get together even more special. All in all it was a great weekend and I'm so glad my mom got it all together. A funny story, the convention was held in Denver. So on Saturday we were looking for a place to eat. We saw reviews on one place that were awesome, great burgers and such. So we went in and sat down. I had my baby and we also had two of my nieces who are 11 and 12. No one came over for a while until finally the bar tender came over and while looking quite confused said, "we really don't serve food here... and we definitely don't serve anyone under 21 because it's only a 21 and older bar..." oops! Haha so we went to another place which had excellent burgers and we really enjoyed it :) Bridger and I had a great visit with my family and my parents during the week that we were there. We headed back Tuesday morning and gage did much better than expected on the drive home. He's such a stud baby :) and I seriously have the best road trip partner ever, Bridger Blaschke.

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